Taken August 2011

So if you’re a follower of my blog, you know that I’ve been natural for 4 years now and it has been a LEARNING EXPERIENCE! So let me update you on how I’ve progressed since this post.

It has been 111 days since I’ve used heat on my hair.  One of my goals after I got married in June was to get off the flat iron and back to the curls.   Since July, I’ve religously relied on weekly deep conditions, braid and twist outs, as well as sealing and moisturizing my hair. By September, a majority of my hair that was straight reverted back to curly. ::Angels sing “Hallelujah Chorus”:: One weekend, after D.C. my hair, I decided to put my hair in a ballerina bun and OMG…it looked a H.A.M. There was more curly hair than straight. So (sigh) I grabbed the scissors and went to town on every straight piece. I chopped off a few inches, and I still have a little more to go, but I’m now 90% curly vs. the 65% I said in my post.

The most frustrating thing about reverting back is when I want to wear it curly, I have to braid it then roll it with flexi-rods. Now, I don’t have to do that, except in the front. It’s been such a breeze getting rid of that hair. I’m almost there! By my birthday in January, I should be 100%! I’ll give you my “lessons learned” after these messages. 😉

With the cooler weather, I’ve updated my regimen. Here are my favorite products I recommend to help your hair not to feel like if you stand near a match it will set on fire. Here we go:

Kera Care Cleaning Cream

If you’re not on it, then you’re way behind. This stuff is still going strong for me. Some people don’t use shampoos when it’s cool outside, but my hair hates me for it if I don’t. After a few days, my hair feels gunky. This shampoo is uber creamy and makes my hair super soft and clean. My hair never feels like cardboard after I wash it.

Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment

Absolutely a keeper!! This stuff makes your hair feel so good after a long week. I highly recommend this stuff!

Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment

If you know anything about hair, you know the importance of doing protein treatments every 6-8 weeks. Ever since July, my hair will LET ME KNOW when it’s time to do my treatment. This stuff is easy to use (the smell is not that pleasant, though) and it works very, very well. Every 6-8 weeks, I make sure to do this.

and Trader Joe’s Grapeseed Oil and Desert Essence Jojoba Oil

I’ve been relying on these two oils since Fall began. In the summer Grapeseed Oil is too light and Jojoba Oil is too heavy. I’m not sure what it is about the Fall weather, but my hair is l-o-v-i-n-g these for daily moisturizing and sealing.

Darcy Botanicals Natural Coils Curly Jelly

I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun for a product that will define my curls, but is not gel when I style it.  Nothing seemed to work!  The best I could do for a wash and go was to use conditioner, but when my hair dried it was D-R-Y. If you know me, you’ll know I don’t want to walk around with a head full of wet hair all day. So I decided to visit Ms. Cindy’s fabulous store, Sage Naturalceuticals, to find out what I could do. She suggested a few things. This jelly was one of them.

This works best when  your hair is damp or wet.  The consistency is not thick, nor is it sticky, and it smells great! For $12, I love this stuff. I bought it a few weeks ago and I’m almost out. It is def my go-to product of the season.

Here are my results:

Now for lessons learned. If you’re like me and lost your curl pattern, here are some more tips to help you along:

-In order to get it back, you’re going to have to leave the heat alone. Point blank. There’s really no way around it. It can revert if you are still using heat properly to straighten, but like me, it’s going to prolong that process.  I could have been done with this a long time ago if I left the heat alone.

-You do not have to cut your hair to start over (if you don’t want to) However, once your curly hair begins to grow back in, it will be like transitioning; you will have two different textures and have to find a way to blend these without looking awkward.

-If you have no patience to deal with your hair while it reverts, opt for a protective style. Like transitioners, you can opt for extensions, but just be careful about the front part of your hair. Many like to leave the front out to blend with the weave to make it look natural. Opt for a style that calls for a full sew-in style with all your hair braided underneath (like blunt bangs).

-Eat right. You cannot expect your hair to cooperate if you’re not putting essential vitamins and nutrients in your body. Lastly, do NOT forget to chug water every single day.

-You honestly will have to be patient. I’m not sure how to put it nicer. Natural hair takes patience to get it right, but when it’s there, it’s great! There are days when you feel like giving up and your hair may look crazy, but STICK. WITH. IT.

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