Entering my 40’s in 2024 was such a huge milestone for me. HUGE! My 20s were dedicated to finding myself, moving to a different state, falling in love, and starting my journey in marriage. My 30s were dedicated to birthing babies, life changes, losing friends, and rededicating my life back to Christ. Now that I’m in my forties and life has changed from who the decade called for in my 20s and 30s, who was I going to be in my 40s?

Today I am sharing my experiences, mindset shifts, and life changes I have embraced in this last year as I began my journeys in my 40s. My goal is to hopefully help someone else as they are getting close to entering their 40s to be encouraged and empowered.


First things first: you can’t play with your health! The moment I turned 40, everything about my mere existence screamed: “UPGRADE IT.” Facewash, supplements, hair care, mental health, you name it. My body was not here for takeout, cheap food, and skipping meals. There was no time for skipping steps in the skincare routine because I was rushing. With perimenopause knocking, skipping supplements is NOT. AN. OPTION.

You can shop my current supplement regimen here


Now that I’m 41, I’ve embraced a routine and lifestyle that centers around making sure my health is at its best. I’ve even gone as far as to subscribe to a Whoop device to help me track my metrics, such as sleep, stress, calories if I’m maximizing my workouts, and so much more! It has been an accountability partner to help me stay on top of my health. There are days I will push past the fatigue or think it’s in my head when I need to dial it back and rest.

When it comes to my health, I’m learning to lead with wisdom.

If you’d like to try Whoop free for a month, click here to try it out! I’m sure you’ll love it.


I love to lean into paying for help, but it has turned up exponentially in my 40s. The number of things I carry in a day would make one’s head spin, so having extra hands to help me is not an option – it’s a must! Grocery pickup and delivery, hiring a hairdresser when you don’t have hours carved out to do that hairstyle, or having house cleaners. Whatever can make life easier where it all gets done, but I don’t have to do it all is on the to-do list.

Learning new things

Growing up, the 40-somethings all looked so much more mature and like they had their lives together, so you wouldn’t expect them to be learning new skills at that age. However, I found there’s so much freedom in saying, “I have no idea how to do that. Let me learn.” Last year, I signed up for swimming lessons. Knees knocking, heart palpitating, with a huge knot in my stomach, I gave it a shot and you know what? I fell in LOVE with it. Now swimming has gone from a ravishing fear to a part of my workout routine.

It takes courage to allow someone half your age to teach you yet, I was humble enough to look crazy enough to try and I’m so glad I did. One of my greatest heroes was watching my grandfather in his 70s at the time take piano lessons. He was hungry to learn new things and he never let his age be an excuse.

The takeaway: You are never too old to learn new things!

So, if you’re like me and either just hit 40 or approaching it, I want you to think about what you want from this next phase of life and think about what that looks like. This is your time to focus on this shift in life.

No more people-pleasing, no more second-guessing. This is the time to be unapologetically you.

The forties are spectacular. I can’t wait for you to join me soon!

If you want to see more on this topic, check out my YouTube video on it below 👇🏾

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