In the split decision I courageously typed my notice to resign from my corporate job, I looked back at all of the events leading up to that moment and the number one factors was my family, my girls in particular. When you decide to quit a job, after being employed since you were 15, there’s a shift that happens within you. This transition has provided me with invaluable lessons that even the realest meme couldn’t describe. It’s life changing.
Quitting my job has made me a better woman and wife, as well as a mother. Here’s why.
I realize that time is VERY, VERY sacred. My time and what I do is valuable so putting boundaries around how I spend my time when my girls are in school and how I spend my time when we’re home has made me super aware and conscious. Spending time with them is very important, especially at the ages when you learn the most when you know the least.
I’m way more present. The stresses of the job would always follow me into my time with my family. Never failed. Even in my sleep! There were nights I would dream about an email to send or a phone call I dreaded making the next day. Being more present means I can be more open and focused on what’s happening in the present.
I’m living out my dream to be a full-time entrepreneur. This dream was planted in me when I was in high school. I always knew I wanted to be a business woman, but I was never sure how I would get there. Fast forward to today – I am showing my girls how I do this! Whether it’s an appointment to give a one-on-one class to a person looking to start their essential oils journey to shooting at the studio, there is nothing I can’t do. I’m doing this to show my girls they can do it too, if they want to!
This is so inspirational. I’ve known since I was in high school, I wanted to be an entrepreneur and a successful black woman! I’m striving to get to that goal and can’t wait to share my story. Thanks for this post!